Despite almost 20 years with T1DM, and 10 years on steroids, my arteries are in superb condition, and I would be very surprised if you have heard of anyone with both conditions in the Southern hemisphere who matches me in physical performance.
I did not get this way by subscribing to local
medical dogma. Quite the opposite. In many aspects of treatment I act
completely contrary to the recommendations of local researchers. If you think
it is just a coincidence that I am also the only doctor at TCH who has managed
to complete the M Biostat, think again."
When this was reported to AHPRA, they decided it constituted evidence that I was impaired and that they needed to "investigate (my) health" They claimed that this constituted an "Own Motion notification" and was justification for applying the full force of the coercive powers they have been given.
There is no one in the world my age and with my diseases reporting anywhere near the success I have had in living a full life. (not in English anyway)
How this constitutes impairment is beyond me.
Unfortunately, the Senate Inquiry into medical bullying has been postponed due to the Federal election. But sooner or later, those clueless Canberra doctors will get their comeuppance.