Monday, 9 May 2016

Alteration of insulin dose - does it constitute illegal self-prescription? Legal clarification at last.

Following threats made against me by AHPRA for allegedly self-prescribing drugs, I sought legal clarification on the issue of patients using doses of insulin and steroids other than those prescribed by their doctor from various State Health Departments and State diabetes organisations.

The only organisation to provide a detailed response to this question was the WA Department of Health, whose reply stated that not only was dose alteration acceptable for those drugs, but self-prescription of insulin and prednisolone was also perfectly legal.

Why then the threats against me by AHPRA? It couldn't possibly be retribution for the embarrassment my blog posts have caused to some of its committee members, could it?

(WA Health also noted that although self-prescription of insulin and standard Addison's drugs are legal, this does not apply to any Schedule 8 drugs, or to any Schedule 4 medicines classified as "specified drugs" under the Poisons Act)